7 v 7 Rules - Coed


Coed 7 v 7 Soccer Rules and Regulations 


1. Number of Players: 

a) 6 field players + goalkeeper 

b) Teams must have a minimum of five (5) players to begin, continue, and conclude a match. Of the five (5) players one must be a goalkeeper. 

c) Teams must field 3 female players and 3 male players and the goalkeeper can be of either gender. A team playing with five players must have two female players and two male players and the goalkeeper can be of either gender. 

2. Ball: Size 5. Each team will provide a game ball to the referee prior to the game. 

3. Substitutions: Unlimited substitutions at any stoppage, at midfield with the referee’s permission. 

4. Rosters: Capped at 20 players for tournaments. 

5. Equipment: 

a) All players must wear shin guards. Socks must cover the shin guards. b) Teams are required to have a permanent numbered jersey and all jerseys must be of the same color with the exception of the goalkeeper. In case of similar colored jerseys, the home team (first on the schedule) will wear a pinnie. The pinnies can be picked up at the NMSSA tent. ($50 fine if they are not returned.) 

6. Duration of Play: 

a) 2x25 minute halves 

b) Halftime is 5 minutes 

c) Game clock starts running at game time. If teams are not prepared to play at game time, the game time will be reduced equally in each half to complete the game in 55 minutes. 

7. Kickoff: On the whistle, the ball may be played in any direction on the first touch. 

8. Offsides: There will be no offside position in 7 v 7 play. 

9. Five Second Restart Rule: 

a) A restart must occur within 5 seconds of placing the ball for a free kick, corner kick or goal kick. 

b) Goalkeepers must also release within 5 seconds after gaining possession and returning to their feet. Goalkeepers may use unlimited steps to bring the ball to the boundary of the penalty area.

10. Ball Out of Play: If the ball has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air, the restart is a corner kick, goal kick, or throw-in. 

11. Slide Tackling: Slide tackling the ball by field players is not permitted. If penalized, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team. Exception: Keeper may slide inside the box in the action of making a play on the ball. 

12. Injuries: Any player who is bleeding must leave the field. Time will not be stopped for injuries. Injured players can substitute at any time. 

13. Goalkeeper Release: Punts and drop kicks are not permitted. The ball must be distributed by a throw, normal place kick or kick from a dribble. If penalized, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team outside the penalty area 

14. Goalkeeper: 

a) The goalkeeper may NOT handle the ball if intentionally passed to him from the feet of a teammate. 

b) The goalkeeper is not limited in steps in his penalty area. 

c) Goalkeepers must also release within 5 seconds after gaining possession and returning to their feet. 

d) Redistribution: Punts and drop kicks are not permitted. The ball must be distributed by a throw, normal place kick, or kick from a dribble. If penalized, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team outside the penalty area. 

15. Direct and Indirect Free Kicks: Opposing players must give TEN FEET on all kicks and corner kicks or may be cautioned (Rekick). Kickers may not play these kicks a second time until the ball is touched by another player.